ICAS Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.

The Honourable James T. Laney
ICAS Distinguished Fellow
President Emeritus of Emory University
Former United States Ambassador to South Korea
Guest of Honour
Annual Liberty Award Dinner 2009
December 4, 2009 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Kennedy Caucus Room
United States Senate
Capitol Hill, Washington, DC 20510
Dear Friend:
We are pleased to share with you that The Hon James T. Laney has been nominated
to receive the ICAS Annual Liberty Award 2009 for his "outstanding professional achievements,
distinguished public service to the nation and people and exemplary leadership"
and that he will be honoured at the ICAS Annual Liberty Award Dinner 2009.
Previous honourees include The Hon Grace Chung Becker (Acting
Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, US Department of Justice), Professor
Britton Chance (Eldridge Reeves Johnson University Professor Emeritus of Biophysics,
Physical Chemistry, and Radiologic Physics, University of Pennsylvania), The Hon
Elaine L Chao (US Secretary of Labour), The Hon Viet D Dinh (US Assistant Attorney
General; Professor of Law Georgetown University), The Hon Becky N Dunlop (Vice President
of The Heritage Foundation), The Hon Tony P Hall (US House of Representatives; US
Ambassador to UN FAO), The Hon Christopher R Hill (Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs,
US Department of State; US Ambassador Bagdad, The Hon Charles Kartman (US Ambassador; Chairman KEDO), The
Hon James A Kelly (Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs,
US Department of State), Dr Jeong H Kim (President, Lucent Technology Carrier Network),
The Hon Wan J Kim (Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, US Department
of Justice), Nobel Laureate Professor Lawrence R Klein, The Hon Harold Hongju Koh
(US Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Democracy; Dean Yale Law School),
The Hon Jim Leach (Chairman, Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs Committee
on International Relations United States House of Representatives), Dr Matthew D
Lee (Chairman Emeritus, Allied Technology Inc), The Hon Tae Sik Lee (Ambassador
of Korea to the United States), Professor Martin Meyerson (President Emeritus, University
of Pennsylvania; deceased), The Hon Jerome J Shestack (Head of Litigation Wolf Block;
former President of the American Bar Association), The Hon Richard L Walker (US
Ambassador to China and Korea; deceased), The Hon Alfred P West (Chairman of the
SEI Investments) and The Hon John C Yoo (US Deputy Assistant Attorney General; Professor
of Law UC Berkeley).
James T. Laney is President Emeritus of Emory University and former United States ambassador to South Korea.
His association with Korea began
in 1947 when he served there in the Army Counter-Intelligence Corps. He was educated
at Yale (BA '50, BD '54, PhD '66, LHD hon '93). He is an ordained United Methodist
minister. He taught at Yonsei University in Korea from 1959-64, and later at Vanderbilt
before becoming dean of Candler School of Theology at Emory (1969-77). In 1974 he
was visiting professor at Harvard. He was named president of Emory in 1977 and served
for 16 years. During that period Emory achieved national prominence and its endowment
grew ten-fold, to sixth among all colleges. In 1993 he was appointed ambassador
to South Korea by President Bill Clinton and was instrumental in helping defuse
the nuclear crisis with North Korea in 1994. In 1997 he returned to the US and served
for two years as special presidential envoy in Asia.
He has chaired the Harvard
Board of Overseers committee for the Divinity School and has served on the Executive
Committee of the University Council at Yale. He is a trustee of the Henry Luce Foundation
in New York and co-chair, with Andrew Young, of Faith and the City in Atlanta. He
is a past director of The Coca-Cola Company and SunTrust Georgia. From 1997-2003
he co-chaired the Council on Foreign Relations Task Force on Korea.
His articles
have appeared in Foreign Affairs, the New York Times, the Washington Post and numerous
other publications. He is the recipient of 22 honorary degrees from colleges and
universities in the US, Great Britain, Japan, Korea, and Africa. He has received
medals for distinguished service from the United States and Korea, the Wilbur Cross
Medal from Yale, the Emory medal, and the General James van Fleet award from the
Korea Society.
Dr. Laney is married to Berta Radford and they have five children
and sixteen grandchildren. They live in Atlanta.
Thank you.
Sang Joo Kim / signed
Sr. Fellow & Executive Vice President