ICAS Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.

Ronald T. Brown
ICAS Fellow
Dear Friend:
We are pleased to share with you
that Ronald T. Brown was named ICAS Fellow as of November 11, 2009.
Ronald T. Brown, Ph.D., ABPP is Professor of Public Health, Psychology and Pediatrics and is Dean
of the College of Health Professions at Temple University. Dean Brown is Diplomate
in Clinical Health Psychology of the American Board of Professional Psychology,
and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological
Society, the Society of Behavioral Medicine, and the National Academy of Neuropsychology.
Ron has been the recipient of numerous grant awards from the National Institutes
of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense
and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services. He is the past
Editor of the Journal of Pediatric Psychology and served on the Behavioral Medicine
and Intervention Outcomes of the Center for Scientific Review of the National Institutes
of Health. Ron has published over 250 articles, chapters and books related to childhood
psychopathology and health psychology. He also has served on the editorial boards
of 12 journals related to child and adolescent psychopathology. Ron also serves
as a liaison to the American Academy of Pediatric subcommittee on the assessment
and practice guidelines for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the psychosocial
committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He also served as the Chair of
the Board of Scientific Affairs of the American Psychological Association and serves
on the Board of Educational Affairs of the American Psychological Association.
Sang Joo Kim / signed
Sr. Fellow & Executive Vice President