ICAS - YEP Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.
Youth Excellence Program

July 26, 2006

ICAS Youth Excellence Fellowship Awards Invitational 2006 Winners

Julianna Haahs (Becky Norton Dunlop Award - Meritus; 10th grade, Wissahickon High School, Ambler, Pennsylvania)
"Issues on Stem Cells Research"

Jamie E Kim (Honourable Mention - Alpha; 7th grade, Kilmer Middle School, Vienna, Virginia)
"Issues on Stem Cells Research"

Nicholas Kim (Bechy Norton Dunlop Award - Libertas; 10th grade, Wissahickon High School, Ambler, Pennsylvania)
"Freedom and Responsibility"

Jessica No (Becky Norton Dunlop Award - Veritas; 11th grade, Deptford Township High School, Deptford, New Jersey)
"Freedom and Responsibility"

Jennifer Oh (Shinae Chun Award - Meritus; 9th grade, Lower Moreland High School, Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania)
"Issues on Stem Cells Research"

Andrew H Yi (Shinae Chun Award - Veritas; 11th grade, NorthPenn High School, Lansdale, Pennsylvania)
Professor Lawrence R Klein's Remarks: "Learning Curves of Korean Students"

Crystal S Yoo (Shinae Chun Award - Libertas;11th grade, William Tennent High School, Warminster, Pennsylvania)
"Freedom and Responsibility"

Jeff Yoo (Honourable Mention - Alpha; 7th grade, Keith Valley Middle School, Horsham, Pennsylvania)
"The Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights"

N B: All Winners will present their essays at the ICAS Summer Symposium 2006: The Korean Diaspora and they will be awarded and honoured at the ICAS Reception & Dinner on August 5, 2006.

Thank you.

Sang Joo Kim / signed
Sr. Fellow & Executive Vice President

ICAS Fellow
Youth Excellence