The ICAS Youth Excellence Program


An Educational Field Trip to Washington, D C
April 13, 2006 Thursday 6:00 AM - 10:30 PM

"Opening Young Minds and Expanding Horizons"
"Building Capacity for the Next Generations Leadership"

Meeting & Briefing

Senior Executive, The Heritage Foundation
Senior Official, Pentagon
Senior Official, US Department of Justice
Senior Executive, The Washington Post Company
(list in progress)


The Heritage Foundation, The US Defense Department, The US Justice Department, The US Library of Congress, The Washington Post Company

(list in progress)

Delegate qualification :students (B average and school's permission)
: parents, youth, adult

Guide and faculty: ICAS Staff
Logistics: Hana Tour Courtesy Travel Inc

REGISTRATION First come first served. RSVP by March 29, 2006

Student's/Participant’s Name: ________________________ Grade: ____________________
Date of Birth: _______________________ Place of Birth: ____________________________
Social Security Number : _______________________________________________________
Father's/Mother's/Guardian's Name: ________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________
Tel: _______________________ Fax: _________________ Email: _______________________
Name of School: ________________________________________________________________
Principal's Name: _______________________________________________________________
Tel: ______________________ Fax: __________________ Email: _______________________

Participants will receive eight (8) credit units of the ICAS Youth Excellence Development Program (ICASYEDP)
or the ICAS Director's Development Program (DDP).
