Establishments Students Visited

Center for American Progress Washington DC
Department of Community and Economic Development
     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Harrisburg Pennsylvania
US Capitol Capitol Hill Washington DC
Ground Zero New York City
Heritage Foundation Washington DC
Korean War Memorial Washington DC
Lincoln Memorial Washington DC
Mount Vernon George Washington Memorial Mt Vernon Virginia
Office of US Representative Allyson Y Schwartz Washington DC
Office of the Pennsylvania Governor Edward G Rendell Harrisburg
Statue of Liberty New York City Harbour
United Nations Office of President New York City
United Nations Security Council
US Department of Commerce Washington DC
US Department of Justice Washington DC
US Department of Labor Washington DC
US Department of State Washington DC
US Department of the Treasury US Mint Washington DC
US House of Representatives Capitol Hill Washington DC
US Library of Congress Captiol Hill Washington DC
US Supreme Court Captiol Hill Washington DC
Vietnam War Memorial WAshington DC
Wall Street Journal New York City
Washington Post Washinton DC
White House Washington DC

This page last modified August 24, 2013 jdb