Institute for Corean-American Studies |

Michael J. Green
Mike is also currently a nonresident fellow at the Lowy Institute in Sydney, Australia, and a distinguished scholar at the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation in Tokyo. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Strategy Group, the America Australia Leadership Dialogue, the advisory board of the Center for a New American Security, and the editorial boards of the Washington Quarterly and the Journal of Unification Studies in Korea. Mike is also an associate of the U.S. Intelligence Community. He has authored numerous books and articles on East Asian security. Mike's current research includes a book project on the history of U.S. strategy in Asia; a survey of elite views of norms, power, and regional institutions in Asia; and a monograph on Japanese strategic culture. Mike received his master’s and doctoral degrees from SAIS and did additional graduate and postgraduate research at Tokyo University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his bachelor’s degree in history from Kenyon College with highest honors. He holds a black belt in Iaido (sword) and has won international prizes on the great highland bagpipe.
Links for Michael J. Green |
Should Washington Talk to Pyongyang in the New Administration? |
2016 Fall Symposium. |
ICAS 2004 Spring Symposium |
ICAS 2002 Fall Symposium |
This page last modified January 16, 2017 jdb