Synwon Yoon

Synwon Yoon, ICAS Special Assistant, is a professional in highly multi-tasking oriented human resource and administrative management with a strong analytical decision making and communication skills in leading and supporting select professional fields and business cultures in both public and private sectors.

She is currently a director of Asia Treasure Network in Korea, a company bridging diverse cultures between Korea and non-Korea for the business success of clients.

Synwon served organizations such as Battelle-Korea, Korean Embassy in Washington, D.C., and Korea Xerox, and taught customer relations and manpower development as Senior Instructor of Korean Airlines.

She received a B.A. in political science and diplomacy from Ewha Womans University and holds professional certificates; the internal consultant from the Advanced Program for Innovative Consultants from KAIST, Hospitality Human Resource Management and Law from the Educational Foundation of National Restaurant Association of the U.S., and the Instructor Diploma from the International Education for Instructors from the International Air Transport Association.

Links for Synwon Yoon
Bulletin of July 28, 2014

This page last updated July 30, 2014 jdb