The ICAS Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.

February 12, 2001
"America's Role in Asia"

Dear Friend:

We are pleased to share with you that Sang Joo Kim was an invited guest of The Asia Foundation at the conference, "America's Role in Asia: American Views and America's Role in Asia: Asian Views", this morning in Washington. Also invited was Henry Kwak.

The meeting was intended to inform the new administration, Congress and analysts of U.S.-Asian relations. Through a project sponsored by The Asia Foundation, an American Task Force on America's Role in Asia and groups in Northeast, Southeast and South Asia met in 2000 to debate issues in U.S. policy toward Asia, and to formulate recommendations in the areas of security, economics and trade, and political development. The American and Asian groups were informed of the deliberations of their counterparts across the Pacific, but each report reflects an independent assessment of the chairs of each group.

The American Task Force was co-chaired by Ezra Vogel, ICAS Distinguished Fellow and Henry Ford II Professor of Social Sciences at Harvard University and Casimir Yost, Director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University. The 37-member Task Force brought together a high-ranking bipartisan group of American policymakers and scholars who have played leading roles in U.S-Asian relations in the last quarter century. Members included Congressman Douglas Bereuter, former chair of the House Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs; Kenneth Lieberthal, former Senior Director for Asian Affairs of the National Security Council; Joseph Nye, Dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University; Ambassador William Perry, former U.S. Secretary of Defense; and Ambassador Michael Armacost, President of the Brookings Institution.

Sang Joo Kim / signed
Sr Fellow & Executive Vice President

ICAS Fellow