ICAS Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.

Yuliana S. Noah
ICAS Volunteer
to speak
My Summer Study Away 2008 Experience
at the Independent Institute:
An Uncommon Opportunity to Expand Horizon
ICAS Summer
The Korean Diaspora:
Challenges facing The Korean-/Asian-American Community
August 1, 2009 Saturday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Montgomery County Community College
Science Center Room 214
Blue Bell, PA 19422
On-Line Registration
Dear Friend:
We are pleased to share with you that Yuliana Sara Noah will share "My Summer Study
Away 2008 Experience: An Uncommon Opportunity to Expand Horizon" at the ICAS Summer
Symposium on August 1, 2009.
Yuliana is a rising senior of Moorestown High School
in Moorestown, New Jersey. She is the president-elect of Moorestown High School
Student Association which is a representative student government that coordinates
curricular activities with school administration, school council and Parent and
Teacher Association. Yuliana is also the editor-in-chief of the school paper The
Voice that engages in all phases of the publication of the school newspaper. She
is passionate about environmental issues and serves as a vice-president of Green
Environmental Organization (GEO), a private environmental organization. Yuliana
regularly volunteers at the Urban Promise Fellowship, a non-profit organization
that is a Christian ministry serving the youth in Camden, NJ and Philadelphia, PA.
Her active community volunteer service was recognized with the Presidential Volunteer
Service Award from the United States President's Council on Service and Civic Participation
for year 2008 and 2009, respectively. In addition, Yuliana earned her Distinguished
Service Award from Moorestown High School Council in the two years in a row. She
was nominated and represented Moorestown High School in The American Legion Auxiliary's
Girls State program that provides an opportunity for selective high school student
leaders to become active participants in the fundamentals of self-government. Yuliana
enjoys reading and writing in her spare time.
Yuliana is Winner
of the ICAS Youth Fellowship Award 2007;
Becky Norton Dunlop Award for Excellence for her writing on
"John Locke's The Limits of Human Understanding",
including the ICAS Travel Grant. She has been a proactive member of
ICAS Youth Excellence
Program sharpening her growth and development potential.
Thank you.
Sang Joo Kim / signed
Sr. Fellow & Executive Vice President