ICAS  Fall Symposium Fair Dinkum**

The Hon Arthur Sinodinos AO
Ambassador of Australia to the USA


ICAS Fall Symposium Fair Dinkum

Australia's Role for Peace and Security in the Indo-Pacific Region
AUKUS nuclear submarine QUAD

November 9 2021 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST Washington DC
November 10 2021 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM KST Seoul Korea
November 10 2021 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Canberra Australia

On-line Registration
(No Registration No Admission)

Chair:Synja P Kim(ICAS Fellow, President and Chairman)
Moderator: Sang Joo Kim(ICAS Senior Fellow & Executive Vice President)

Tong Kim (ICAS Fellow; Washington correspondent and columnist for The Korea Times)
Donald Kirk (ICAS Fellow; Correspondent and Author)
Larry Niksch (ICAS Fellow; Pres East Asia Research Center; Author The Collapse of North Korea)
Richard Weitz (ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow Director Center Political-Military Analysis, Hudson Institute)

Kevin Carlson (Strategic Planner, USSTRATCOM)
Mike Frenchick (Analyst, Threat Tech LLC)
William King (Principal and Senior Fellow, Booze Allen Hamilton; Brigadier General US Army Ret)
Un Shin (Retired diplomat, Republic of Korea)
Nobuo Tanaka (CEO, Tanaka Global Inc)
Mark Tokola (Vice President, Korea Economic Institute of America)
Richard Weir (Director, Global Policy, Northrop Grumman)

* as a public service pro bono publico
** ICAS designates this educational activity for continuing education/professional development for a
maximum of 1.50 hour credit commensurate with the extent of actual participation.
ICAS is not an agent of any government and/or a foreign principal (18 U.S.C.951), and solely supported
by voluntary contributions.
ICAS is the "Go-to-Place" of the first order for American affairs, Korean affairs, Korean-American affairs,
and international/Washington relations.
1.8 million Korean-Americans reside in the USA. (Census 2015)
1.0 million Korean-Americans reside in the USA. (MPI 2017)

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This page last modified November 9, 2021 rmj