Institute for Corean-American Studies

G. Cameron Hurst III
Biographic Sketch

G. Cameron Hurst III, ICAS Fellow, is Professor of Japanese and Korean Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and Director of its Center for East Asian Studies. He previously was Professor of History and East Asian Studies at the University of Kansas, whose faculty he joined in 1969. He served from 1976 to 1995 as Co-Director and then Director of that university's Center for East Asian Studies.

After completing his B.A. at Stanford in 1963, Hurst received his M.A. from the University of Hawaii in 1966 and his Ph.D. from Columbia in 1972. In the course of his education, he spent three years in Japan, a year each at the Stanford Center and Keio University in Tokyo and a year at Kyoto University. He teaches primarily in pre-modern Japanese history, but occasionally in Korean studies as well.

Hurst is the author of Insei: Abdicated Sovereigns in the Politics of Late Heian Japan, 1086-1185, co-translator of Fukuzawa Yukichi's Outline of a Theory of Civilization, and co-author of Samurai Painters. He has contributed extensively to collected volumes, periodicals, and such newspapers as the Korea Times, the Japan Times, and the Asian Wall Street Journal. His most recent book is The Armed Martial Arts of Japan, the first volume in a two-volume work being published by Yale University Press.

Overseas teaching and administration have played a substantial role in Hurst's career: two years as Dean of the CUNY Lehman Hiroshima College (1990-92) were preceded by directorships at Doshisha University in Kyoto and Ewha Woman's University at Seoul, and by teaching positions in Seoul and, as Japan Foundation Professor, at the University of Hong Kong.

ICAS Web Site Links for G. Cameron Hurst III:

Spring 1998 Symposium
Fall 1998 Symposium
Winter 1998 Symposium
Winter 1999 Symposium
Summer 2001 Symposium
Summer 2002 Symposium
Summer 2003 Symposium
Bulletin, August 6, 2002
Korean-American Vision: Building Bridges, Not Walls
2005 Lecture
Bulletin, March 27, 2010

This page last updated 9/25/2010 jdb

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